File "Vctemplates.php"

Full Path: /home/ycoalition/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/classes/Vctemplates.php
File size: 10.5 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

<?php if ( ! defined('WOODMART_THEME_DIR')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * WPBakery custom templates library
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class WOODMART_Vctemplates {

	public $folder = '';

	private $_importer = null;

	private $_template_data = array();

	public function __construct() {

	public function library( $data ) {
		// $templates = woodmart_get_config('vc-templates');

		if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'white_label' ) ) {
			$title = 'Templates library';
		} else {
			$title = 'WoodMart templates library';

		$data[] = array(
			'category' => 'woodmart_templates',
			'category_name' => $title,
			'category_weight' => 5,
			'category_description' => 'WPBakery predefined template parts and layouts from XTemos Studio. Designed for WoodMart WordPress template.',
			'templates' => array()

		return $data;

	public function render_template_code( $template_id, $template_type ) {
		echo $this->get_template_content( $template_id ); //Dynamic data is escaped earlier.

	public function render_template_HTML_code( $template_id, $template_type ) {
		$content = $this->get_template_content( $template_id );

		if( ! $content ) return;


		vc_frontend_editor()->setTemplateContent( $content );
		vc_include_template( 'editors/frontend_template.tpl.php', array(
			'editor' => vc_frontend_editor(),
		) );

		die(); // no needs to do anything more. optimization.

	public function get_content( $shortcodes, $config ) {
		$replace_vars = array();

		if( is_array( $config ) ) {
			if( isset( $config['assets'] ) && $config['assets'] ) {
				foreach ($config['assets'] as $asset) {
					switch ($asset['type']) {
						case 'external-image':

							if($id = $this->_add_media($asset['src'])) {
								$replace_vars[ '{{' . $asset['id'] . '}}' ] = $id;

						case 'external-image-url':

							if($id = $this->_add_media($asset['src'])) {
								$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full');
								if( isset($image[0]) )
									$replace_vars[ '{{' . $asset['id'] . '}}' ] = $image[0];


		if( ! empty( $replace_vars ) ) {
			$shortcodes = $this->_replace_vars($shortcodes, $replace_vars);

		return $shortcodes;

	public function get_template_content( $id ) {
		$shortcodes = $this->_get_shortcodes( $id );
		$config_json = json_decode( $this->_get_config( $id ), true);

		if( ! $shortcodes ) return;

		return $this->get_content( $shortcodes, $config_json );

	public function render_template( $category ) {
		$category['output'] = '';

		$category['output'] .= '<div class="xts-box xts-wpb-templates xts-theme-style">';
		$category['output'] .= '<div class="xts-box-header xts-wpb-templates-heading">';
		$category['output'] .= '<div class="xts-row">';
		$category['output'] .= '<div class="xts-col"><div>';
		if ( isset( $category['category_name'] ) ) {
			$category['output'] .= '<h3>' . esc_html( $category['category_name'] ) . '</h3>';
		if ( isset( $category['category_description'] ) ) {
			$category['output'] .= '<p class="vc_description">' . esc_html( $category['category_description'] ) . '</p>';
		$category['output'] .= '</div></div>';
		$category['output'] .= '<div class="xts-col-auto"><div class="xts-import-search xts-search xts-i-search"><input type="text" class="woodmart-templates-search" placeholder="Start typing to search..." /></div></div>';

		$category['output'] .= '</div>';
		$category['output'] .= '</div>';
		$category['output'] .= '
			<div class="xts-box-content xts-wpb-templates-content woodmart-templates-list xts-loading" data-vc-action="collapseAll"></div>';
		$category['output'] .= '</div>';
		$category['output'] .= '';

		return $category;

	public function render_item( $template ) {
		$name = isset( $template['name'] ) ? esc_html( $template['name'] ) : esc_html( __( 'No title', 'woodmart' ) );
		$template_id = esc_attr( $template['unique_id'] );
		$template_id_hash = md5( $template_id ); // needed for jquery target for TTA
		$template_name = esc_html( $name );
		$template_name_lower = esc_attr( vc_slugify( $template_name ) );
		$template_type = esc_attr( isset( $template['type'] ) ? $template['type'] : 'custom' );
		$custom_class = esc_attr( isset( $template['custom_class'] ) ? $template['custom_class'] : '' );

		$output = <<<HTML
					<div class="woodmart-template-item $custom_class"
		$output .= $this->render_template_window( $name, $template );
		$output .= <<<HTML
						<div class="vc_ui-template-content" data-js-content>

		return $output;

	public function render_template_window( $template_name, $template_data ) {
		$template_id = esc_attr( $template_data['unique_id'] );
		$template_name = esc_html( $template_name );
		$add_template_title = esc_attr__( 'Add template', 'woodmart' );
		$image_src = WOODMART_THEME_DIR . '/inc/configs/templates-library/' . $template_id . '/preview.jpg';

		echo <<<HTML
			<div class="woodmart-template-image">
				<img src="$image_src" title="$template_name" alt="$template_name" />
				<button class="" type="button" label="Add this template" title="Add this template" data-template-handler="">$add_template_title</button>

			<h3 class="woodmart-template-title">$template_name</h3>

		return ob_get_clean();

	private function _config() {
		$this->folder = WOODMART_CONFIGS . '/templates-library/';

	private function _hooks() {
		add_filter( 'vc_get_all_templates', array($this, 'library'), 1, 1 );
		add_filter( 'vc_templates_render_backend_template', array($this, 'render_template_code'), 10, 2 );
		add_filter( 'vc_templates_render_frontend_template', array($this, 'render_template_HTML_code'), 10, 2 );
		add_filter( 'vc_templates_render_category', array($this, 'render_template'), 1, 1 );

	private function _get_folder($id) { 
		return $this->folder . $id . '/';

	private function _get_file($id, $filename) {
		$folder = $this->_get_folder($id);
		$file = $folder . $filename;

		if( file_exists( $file ) ) {
			include $file;
			$content = ob_get_clean();
		} else {
			return false;

		return $content;

	private function _get_shortcodes($id) { 
		return $this->_template_data['element']['content'];
		// return $this->_get_file($id, 'shortcodes.txt');

	private function _load_template($id) {
		$response = wp_remote_get(WOODMART_DEMO_URL . '?woodmart_action=woodmart_get_template&id=' . $id);
		$body = '';

		if ( is_array( $response ) ) {
			if ( isset( $response['body'] ) ) {
				$body = $response['body'];

				$this->_template_data = json_decode( $body, true );

			if ( isset( $response['errors'] ) || ! isset( $response['body'] ) ) {
				die( json_encode( $response ) );

		return $body;
		// die();

	private function _get_config($id) { 
		return $this->_template_data['element']['config'];
		// return $this->_get_file($id, 'config.json');

	private function _replace_vars( $code, $vars ) {

		$code = str_replace(array_keys($vars), $vars, $code);

		return $code;

	private function _add_media($src) {

		$postdata = array();

		if( $id = $this->_media_exists( $src ) ) {
			$media_id = $id;
		} else {
			$media_id = $this->_importer->process_attachment($postdata, $src);
			$this->_save_media_id( $src, $media_id );

		if( is_wp_error($media_id) || ! $media_id ) return false;

		return $media_id;

	private function _media_exists($src) {
		$media = get_option('woodmart-vc-imported-media');

		if( ! $media || ! is_array( $media ) ) return false;

		if( $id = array_search($src, $media) ) {
			$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full');
			if( isset($image[0]) ) return $id;

		return false;

	private function _save_media_id($src, $id) {
		if( is_wp_error($id) || ! $id ) return false;

		$media = get_option('woodmart-vc-imported-media');

		if( ! $media || ! is_array( $media ) ) $media = array();

		if( $exists_id = array_search($src, $media) ) unset($media[$exists_id]);
		$media[$id] = $src;

		return update_option('woodmart-vc-imported-media', $media);

	private function _load_importers() {

		// Load Importer API
		require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/import.php';

		if( ! function_exists( 'WOODMART_Theme_Plugin' ) ) {

			return false;

		$importerError = false;

		//check if wp_importer, the base importer class is available, otherwise include it
		if ( !class_exists( 'WP_Importer' ) ) {
			$class_wp_importer = ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-importer.php';
			if ( file_exists( $class_wp_importer ) ) 
				$importerError = true;

		$plugin_dir = WOODMART_Theme_Plugin()->plugin_path();

		if ( file_exists( $plugin_dir . '/importer/compat.php' ) ) {
			/** Functions missing in older WordPress versions. */
			require_once $plugin_dir . '/importer/compat.php';

			/** WXR_Parser class */
			require_once $plugin_dir . '/importer/parsers/class-wxr-parser.php';

			/** WXR_Parser_SimpleXML class */
			require_once $plugin_dir . '/importer/parsers/class-wxr-parser-simplexml.php';

			/** WXR_Parser_XML class */
			require_once $plugin_dir . '/importer/parsers/class-wxr-parser-xml.php';

			/** WXR_Parser_Regex class */
			require_once $plugin_dir . '/importer/parsers/class-wxr-parser-regex.php';

			/** WP_Import class */
			require_once $plugin_dir . '/importer/class-wp-import.php';
		} else {
			return false;

		if($importerError !== false) {
			// $this->response->send_fail_msg( "The Auto importing script could not be loaded. Please use the wordpress importer and import the XML file that is located in your themes folder manually." );
			return false;

		if(class_exists('WP_Importer') && class_exists('WOODCORE_Import')){
			$this->_importer = new WOODCORE_Import();
			$this->_importer->fetch_attachments = true;

		} else {

			// $this->response->send_fail_msg( 'Can\'t find WP_Importer or WOODCORE_Import class' );
			return false;

