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/* GENERATE RETINA IMAGES ACTION */ var current; var maxPhpSize = wr3x_admin_server.maxFileSize; var ids = []; var errors = 0; var ajax_action = "generate"; // generate | delete function wr3x_display_please_refresh() { wr3x_refresh_progress_status(); jQuery('#wr3x_progression').html(jQuery('#wr3x_progression').html() + " - " + wr3x_admin_server.i18n.Refresh); } function wr3x_refresh_progress_status() { var errortext = ""; if ( errors > 0 ) { errortext = ' - ' + errors + ' error(s)'; } jQuery('#wr3x_progression').text(current + "/" + ids.length + " (" + Math.round(current / ids.length * 100) + "%)" + errortext); } function wr3x_do_next () { var data = { action: 'wr3x_' + ajax_action, attachmentId: ids[current - 1] }; data.nonce = wr3x_admin_server.nonce[data.action]; wr3x_refresh_progress_status();, data, function (response) { try { reply = jQuery.parseJSON(response); } catch (e) { reply = null; } if ( !reply || !reply.success ) errors++; else { wr3x_refresh_media_sizes(reply.results); if (reply.results_full) wr3x_refresh_full(reply.results_full); } if (++current <= ids.length) wr3x_do_next(); else { current--; wr3x_display_please_refresh(); } }).fail(function () { errors++; if (++current <= ids.length) wr3x_do_next(); else { current--; wr3x_display_please_refresh(); } }); } function wr3x_do_all () { current = 1; ids = []; errors = 0; var data = { action: 'wr3x_list_all', issuesOnly: 0 }; data.nonce = wr3x_admin_server.nonce[data.action]; jQuery('#wr3x_progression').text(wr3x_admin_server.i18n.Wait);, data, function (response) { reply = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (reply.success = false) { alert('Error: ' + reply.message); return; } if ( == 0) { jQuery('#wr3x_progression').html(wr3x_admin_server.i18n.Nothing_to_do); return; } ids = reply.ids; jQuery('#wr3x_progression').text(current + "/" + ids.length + " (" + Math.round(current / ids.length * 100) + "%)"); wr3x_do_next(); }); } function wr3x_delete_all () { ajax_action = 'delete'; wr3x_do_all(); } function wr3x_generate_all () { ajax_action = 'generate'; wr3x_do_all(); } // Refresh the dashboard retina full with the results from the Ajax operation (Upload) function wr3x_refresh_full (results) { jQuery.each(results, function (id, html) { jQuery('#wr3x-info-full-' + id).html(html); jQuery('#wr3x-info-full-' + id + ' img').attr('src', jQuery('#wr3x-info-full-' + id + ' img').attr('src')+'?'+ Math.random()); jQuery('#wr3x-info-full-' + id + ' img').on('click', function (evt) { wr3x_delete_full( jQuery('.wr3x-file-row').attr('postid') ); }); }); } // Refresh the dashboard media sizes with the results from the Ajax operation (Replace or Generate) function wr3x_refresh_media_sizes (results) { jQuery.each(results, function (id, html) { jQuery('#wr3x-info-' + id).html(html); }); } function wr3x_generate (attachmentId, retinaDashboard) { var data = { action: 'wr3x_generate', attachmentId: attachmentId }; data.nonce = wr3x_admin_server.nonce[data.action]; jQuery('#wr3x_generate_button_' + attachmentId).text(wr3x_admin_server.i18n.Wait);, data, function (response) { var reply = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (!reply.success) { alert(reply.message); return; } jQuery('#wr3x_generate_button_' + attachmentId).html(wr3x_admin_server.i18n.Generate); wr3x_refresh_media_sizes(reply.results); }); } /* REPLACE FUNCTION */ function wr3x_stop_propagation(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); } function wr3x_delete_full(attachmentId) { var data = { action: 'wr3x_delete_full', isAjax: true, attachmentId: attachmentId }; data.nonce = wr3x_admin_server.nonce[data.action];, data, function (response) { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (data.success === false) { alert(data.message); } else { wr3x_refresh_full(data.results); wr3x_display_please_refresh(); } }); } function wr3x_load_details(attachmentId) { var data = { action: 'wr3x_retina_details', isAjax: true, attachmentId: attachmentId }; data.nonce = wr3x_admin_server.nonce[data.action];, data, function (response) { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); if (data.success === false) { alert(data.message); } else { jQuery('#meow-modal-info .loading').css('display', 'none'); jQuery('#meow-modal-info .content').html(data.result); } }); } function wr3x_filedropped (evt) { wr3x_stop_propagation(evt); var files = evt.dataTransfer.files; var count = files.length; if (count < 0) { return; } var wr3x_replace = jQuery('wr3x-fullsize-replace'); var wr3x_upload = jQuery('wr3x-fullsize-retina-upload'); function wr3x_handleprogress(prg) { console.debug("Upload of " + prg.srcElement.filename + ": " + prg.loaded / * 100 + "%"); } function wr3x_uploadFile(file, attachmentId, filename) { var action = ""; if (wr3x_replace) { action = 'wr3x_replace'; } else if (wr3x_upload) { action = 'wr3x_upload'; } else { alert("Unknown command. Contact the developer."); } var data = new FormData(); data.append('file', file); data.append('action', action); data.append('attachmentId', attachmentId); data.append('isAjax', true); data.append('filename', filename); data.append('nonce', wr3x_admin_server.nonce[action]); // var data = { // action: action, // isAjax: true, // filename:, // data: form_data, // attachmentId: attachmentId // }; jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, contentType: false, processData: false, data: data, success: function (response) { jQuery('[postid=' + attachmentId + '] td').removeClass('wr3x-loading-file'); jQuery('[postid=' + attachmentId + '] .wr3x-dragdrop').removeClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); try { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); } catch (e) { alert("The server-side returned an abnormal response. Check your PHP error logs and also your browser console (WP Retina 3x will try to display it there)."); console.debug(response); return; } if (wr3x_replace) { var imgSelector = '[postid=' + attachmentId + '] .wr3x-info-thumbnail img'; jQuery(imgSelector).attr('src', jQuery(imgSelector).attr('src')+'?'+ Math.random()); } if (wr3x_upload) { var imgSelector = '[postid=' + attachmentId + '] .wr3x-info-full img'; jQuery(imgSelector).attr('src', jQuery(imgSelector).attr('src')+'?'+ Math.random()); } if (data.success === false) { alert(data.message); } else { if ( wr3x_replace ) { wr3x_refresh_media_sizes(data.results); } else if ( wr3x_upload ) { wr3x_refresh_full(data.results); } } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { jQuery('[postid=' + attachmentId + '] td').removeClass('wr3x-loading-file'); jQuery('[postid=' + attachmentId + '] .wr3x-dragdrop').removeClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); alert("An error occurred on the server-side. Please check your PHP error logs."); } }); } var file = files[0]; if (file.size > maxPhpSize) { jQuery(this).removeClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); alert( "Your PHP configuration only allows file upload of a maximum of " + (maxPhpSize / 1000000) + "MB." ); return; } var postId = jQuery('.wr3x-file-row').attr('postid'); jQuery('td').addClass('wr3x-loading-file'); wr3x_uploadFile(file, postId,; } jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery('.wr3x-dragdrop').on('dragenter', function (evt) { wr3x_stop_propagation(evt); jQuery(this).addClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); }); jQuery('.wr3x-dragdrop').on('dragover', function (evt) { wr3x_stop_propagation(evt); jQuery(this).addClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); }); jQuery('.wr3x-dragdrop').on('dragleave', function (evt) { wr3x_stop_propagation(evt); jQuery(this).removeClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); }); jQuery('.wr3x-dragdrop').on('dragexit', wr3x_stop_propagation); jQuery('.wr3x-dragdrop').each(function (index, elem) { this.addEventListener('drop', wr3x_filedropped); }); jQuery('.wr3x-info, .wr3x-button-view').on('click', function (evt) { jQuery('#meow-modal-info-backdrop').css('display', 'block'); jQuery('#meow-modal-info .content').html(""); jQuery('#meow-modal-info .loading').css('display', 'block'); jQuery('#meow-modal-info').css('display', 'block'); jQuery('#meow-modal-info').focus(); var postid = jQuery('.wr3x-info').attr('postid'); if (!postid) postid = jQuery('.wr3x-file-row').attr('postid'); wr3x_load_details(postid); }); jQuery('#meow-modal-info .close, #meow-modal-info-backdrop').on('click', function (evt) { jQuery('#meow-modal-info').css('display', 'none'); jQuery('#meow-modal-info-backdrop').css('display', 'none'); }); jQuery('.wr3x-info-full img').on('click', function (evt) { wr3x_delete_full( jQuery('.wr3x-file-row').attr('postid') ); }); jQuery('#meow-modal-info').bind('keydown', function (evt) { if (evt.keyCode === 27) { jQuery('#meow-modal-info').css('display', 'none'); jQuery('#meow-modal-info-backdrop').css('display', 'none'); } }); /** * Retina Uploader */ (function ($) { /** * @constructor */ function Upload(File) { if (!this.validate(File)) return; // Invalid file this.file = File; this.loaded = 0; = 0; this.doms = { wrap: null, filename: null, progress: null, percent: null, bar: null }; this.request(); } Upload.prototype.getProgress = function (Mul = 1) { if (! return 0; var r = (this.loaded / * Mul; return Math.round(r * 10) / 10; } Upload.prototype.validate = function (File) { var err; if (!'type' in File || !File.type) err = 'Unknown File Type'; else if (!File.type.match(/^image\//)) // Not image err = 'Unsupported File Type'; if (err) { console.error(err); alert(err); return false; } return true; } Upload.prototype.request = function () { var self = this; var action = 'wr3x_retina_upload'; var data = new FormData(); data.append('action', action); data.append('isAjax', true); data.append('nonce', wr3x_admin_server.nonce[action]); data.append('file', this.file); data.append('filename',;; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, contentType: false, processData: false, data: data, // Custom XHR xhr: function () { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Watch upload progress xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (ev) { if (!ev.lengthComputable) return xhr; self.loaded = ev.loaded; =; self.update(); }, false); return xhr; } }).done(function (response) { try { response = $.parseJSON(response); } catch (e) { // Malformed Response self.abort(); console.error(e); alert('Invalid Response'); return; } if (!response.success) { // App Error self.abort(); var msg = 'message' in response ? response.message : 'Error'; console.error(msg); alert(msg); return; } // Remove the progress indicator self.doms.progress.remove(); // Edit Link $('<a class="edit-attachment">') .attr('href', .attr('target', '_blank') .text('Edit') .prependTo(self.doms.wrap); // Show the thumbnail $('<img class="pinkynail">') .attr('src',[0]) .prependTo(self.doms.wrap); // Just mocking the built-in behavior self.doms.filename .removeClass('original') .addClass('new'); }).fail(function (e) { // HTTP Error self.abort(); var msg = e.status + ' ' + e.statusText; console.error(msg); alert(msg + '\n' + 'An error occurred on the server-side. Please check your PHP error logs.'); }); } = function () { // Ideal HTML: // <div class="media-item child-of-0" id="media-item"> // <div class="progress"> // <div class="percent">100%</div> // <div class="bar" style="width: 200px;"></div> // </div> // <div class="filename original">image.jpg</div> // </div> this.doms.wrap = $('<div class="media-item wr3x-retina-uploaded">'); this.doms.filename = $('<div class="filename original">') .text( .appendTo(this.doms.wrap); this.doms.wrap.appendTo('#media-items'); // First Appearance } Upload.prototype.update = function () { if (!this.doms.progress) { // Initialize the progress bar this.doms.progress = $('<div class="progress">').prependTo(this.doms.wrap); this.doms.percent = $('<div class="percent">').appendTo(this.doms.progress); = $('<div class="bar">').appendTo(this.doms.progress); } this.doms.percent.text(this.getProgress(100) + '%');'width', this.getProgress(200) + 'px'); } Upload.prototype.abort = function () { this.doms.wrap.remove(); } /** Initialize DOMs **/ // Drag & Drop Area var dnd = $('#wr3x_drag-drop-area') dnd.on('dragenter dragover', function (ev) { wr3x_stop_propagation(ev); $(this).addClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); }).on('dragleave dragexit', function (ev) { wr3x_stop_propagation(ev); $(this).removeClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); }).on('drop', function (ev) { wr3x_stop_propagation(ev); $(this).removeClass('wr3x-hover-drop'); var _ev = ev.originalEvent; var files = _ev.dataTransfer.files; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) new Upload(files[i]); }); // File Selector var selector = $('#wr3x_file-selector'); selector.on('change', function (ev) { var files =; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) new Upload(files[i]); }); var btn = $('#wr3x_file-select-button'); btn.on('click', function (ev) { selector.trigger('click'); }); })(jQuery); });