File "admin-hooks.php"
Full Path: /home/ycoalition/public_html/blog/wp-admin/js/widgets/plugins/custom-twitter-feeds/inc/admin-hooks.php
File size: 21.4 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_search_label', 'ctf_return_string_hashtag' );
function ctf_return_string_hashtag( $val ) {
return 'Hashtag:';
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_search_whatis', 'ctf_return_string_instructions' );
function ctf_return_string_instructions( $val ) {
return 'Select this option and enter any single hashtag for a hashtag feed. Only tweets made within the last 7 days are available initially. Once a tweet has been retrieved the plugin will keep it in a persistent cache indefinitely';
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_validate_search_text', 'ctf_validate_search_text', 10, 1 );
function ctf_validate_search_text( $val ) {
preg_match( "/^[\p{L}0-9_]+|^#+[\p{L}0-9_]+/u", trim( $val ), $hashtags );
$hashtags = preg_replace( "/#{2,}/", '', $hashtags );
$new_val = ! empty( $hashtags ) ? $new_val = $hashtags[0] : '';
if ( substr( $new_val, 0, 1 ) != '#' && $new_val != '' ) {
$new_val = '#' . $new_val;
return $new_val;
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_validate_usertimeline_text', 'ctf_validate_usertimeline_text', 10, 1 );
function ctf_validate_usertimeline_text( $val ) {
preg_match( "/^[\p{L}0-9_]{1,16}/u" , str_replace( '@', '', trim( $val ) ), $screenname );
$new_val = isset( $screenname[0] ) ? $screenname[0] : '';
return $new_val;
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_validate_include_replies', 'ctf_validate_include_replies', 10, 1 );
function ctf_validate_include_replies( $val, $type ) {
return false;
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_set_include_replies', 'ctf_set_include_replies', 10, 1 );
function ctf_set_include_replies( $new_input ) {
return false;
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_set_include_retweets', 'ctf_set_include_retweets', 10, 1 );
function ctf_set_include_retweets( $new_input ) {
#if ( version_compare( CTF_VERSION, '2.0', '>=' ) ) {
if ( isset( $new_input ) ) {
if ( isset( $new_input['includeretweets'] ) && ($new_input['includeretweets'] == 'on' || $new_input['includeretweets'] == 'true' )) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
# if ( isset( $new_input ) && isset( $new_input['type'] ) ) {
# if ( isset( $new_input[$new_input['type'] . '_includeretweets'] ) && $new_input[$new_input['type'] . '_includeretweets'] == 'on' ) {
# return true;
# } else {
# return false;
# }
# }
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_feed_type_list', 'ctf_return_feed_types' );
function ctf_return_feed_types( $val ) {
return array( 'hometimelineinclude_replies', 'usertimelineinclude_replies' );
add_action( 'ctf_admin_upgrade_note', 'ctf_update_note' );
function ctf_update_note() {
<span class="ctf_note"> - <a href="" target="_blank">Available in Pro version</a></span>
add_action( 'ctf_admin_feed_settings_radio_extra', 'ctf_usertimeline_error_message' );
function ctf_usertimeline_error_message( $args )
{ //sbi_notice sbi_user_id_error
if ( $args['name'] == 'usertimeline') : ?>
<div class="ctf_error_notice ctf_usertimeline_error">
<?php _e( "<p>Please use a single screenname or Twitter handle of numbers and letters. If you would like to use more than one screen name for your feed, please upgrade to our <a href='' target='_blank'>Pro version</a>.</p>" ); ?>
<?php endif;
add_action( 'ctf_admin_feed_settings_search_extra', 'ctf_hashtag_error_message' );
function ctf_hashtag_error_message() {
<div class="ctf_error_notice ctf_search_error">
<?php _e( "<p>Please use a single hashtag of numbers and letters. If you would like to use more than one hashtag or use search terms for your feed, please upgrade to our <a href='' target='_blank'>Pro version</a>.</p>" ); ?>
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_customize_quick_links', 'ctf_return_customize_quick_links' );
function ctf_return_customize_quick_links() {
return array(
0 => array( 'general', 'General' ),
1 => array( 'showhide', 'Show/Hide' ),
2 => array( 'misc', 'Misc' ),
3 => array( 'advanced', 'Advanced' )
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_style_quick_links', 'ctf_return_style_quick_links' );
function ctf_return_style_quick_links() {
return array(
0 => array( 'general', 'General' ),
1 => array( 'header', 'Header' ),
2 => array( 'date', 'Date' ),
3 => array( 'author', 'Author' ),
4 => array( 'text', 'Tweet Text' ),
5 => array( 'links', 'Links' ),
6 => array( 'quoted', 'Retweet Boxes' ),
7 => array( 'actions', 'Tweet Actions' ),
8 => array( 'load', 'Load More' )
* Pro Options ----------------------------------------
add_action( 'ctf_admin_endpoints', 'ctf_add_mentionstimeline_options', 10, 1 );
function ctf_add_mentionstimeline_options( $admin ) {
$admin->create_settings_field( array(
'name' => 'search_pro',
'title' => '<label></label>', // label for the input field
'callback' => 'feed_settings_radio', // name of the function that outputs the html
'page' => 'ctf_options_feed_settings', // matches the section name
'section' => 'ctf_options_feed_settings', // matches the section name
'option' => 'ctf_options', // matches the options name
'class' => 'ctf-radio ctf_pro', // class for the wrapper and input field
'whatis' => 'You can create search feeds which contain a large variety of different terms and operators, such as a combination of #hashtags, @mentions, words, or "phrases"', // what is this? text
'label' => "Search",
'has_input' => false,
'has_replies' => false
$admin->create_settings_field( array(
'name' => 'mentionstimeline',
'title' => '<label></label>', // label for the input field
'callback' => 'feed_settings_radio', // name of the function that outputs the html
'page' => 'ctf_options_feed_settings', // matches the section name
'section' => 'ctf_options_feed_settings', // matches the section name
'option' => 'ctf_options', // matches the options name
'class' => 'ctf-radio ctf_pro', // class for the wrapper and input field
'whatis' => 'Select this option to display tweets that @mention your twitter handle', // what is this? text
'label' => "Mentions",
'has_input' => false,
'has_replies' => false
$admin->create_settings_field( array(
'name' => 'lists',
'title' => '<label></label>', // label for the input field
'callback' => 'feed_settings_radio', // name of the function that outputs the html
'page' => 'ctf_options_feed_settings', // matches the section name
'section' => 'ctf_options_feed_settings', // matches the section name
'option' => 'ctf_options', // matches the options name
'class' => 'ctf-radio ctf_pro', // class for the wrapper and input field
'whatis' => 'Enter the list ID of the list(s) you want to display. Use this FAQ to create a list on Twitter. Use the helper to find IDs', // what is this? text
'label' => "Lists",
'has_input' => false,
'has_replies' => false
add_filter( 'ctf_admin_show_hide_list', 'ctf_show_hide_list', 10, 1 );
function ctf_show_hide_list( $show_hide_list ) {
$show_hide_list[] = array( 'include_replied_to', 'In reply to text' );
$show_hide_list[] = array( 'include_media', 'Media (images, videos, gifs)' );
$show_hide_list[] = array( 'include_twittercards', 'Twitter Cards' );
return $show_hide_list;
function ctf_pro_autoscroll_section() {
<p class="ctf_pro_section_note"><a href="" target="_blank">Upgrade to Pro to enable Autoscroll loading</a></p>
<span><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button button-secondary ctf-show-pro"><b>+</b> Show Pro Options</a></span>
<div class="ctf-pro-options">
<table class="form-table"><tbody><tr><th scope="row"><label for="ctf_autoscroll" title="Click for shortcode option">Set Load More on Scroll as Default</label><code class="ctf_shortcode">autoscroll
Eg: autoscroll=true</code></th><td> <input name="ctf_options[autoscroll]" id="ctf_autoscroll" type="checkbox" disabled>
<a class="ctf-tooltip-link" href="JavaScript:void(0);"><i class="fa fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<p class="ctf-tooltip ctf-more-info">This will make every Twitter feed load more Tweets as the user gets to the bottom of the feed.</p>
</td></tr><tr class="default-text"><th scope="row"><label for="ctf_autoscrolldistance">Auto Scroll Trigger Distance</label><code class="ctf_shortcode">autoscrolldistance
Eg: autoscrolldistance=2</code></th><td> <input name="ctf_options[autoscrolldistance]" id="ctf_autoscrolldistance" class="default-text" type="text" value="200" disabled>
<a class="ctf-tooltip-link" href="JavaScript:void(0);"><i class="fa fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<p class="ctf-tooltip ctf-more-info">This is the distance in pixels from the bottom of the page the user must scroll to to trigger the loading of more tweets.</p>
<div style="height: 18px;"></div>
function ctf_pro_moderation_section() {
<p class="ctf_pro_section_note"><a href="" target="_blank">Upgrade to Pro to enable Tweet moderation</a></p>
<span><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button button-secondary ctf-show-pro"><b>+</b> Show Pro Options</a></span>
<div class="ctf-pro-options">
<table class="form-table"><tbody><tr class="large-text"><th scope="row"><label for="ctf_includewords" title="Click for shortcode option">Show Tweets containing these words or hashtags</label><code class="ctf_shortcode">includewords
Eg: includewords="#puppy,#cute"</code></th><td> <input name="ctf_options[includewords]" id="ctf_includewords" class="large-text" type="text" value="" disabled>
<span>"includewords" separate words by comma</span>
</td></tr><tr class="large-text"><th scope="row"><label for="ctf_excludewords">Remove Tweets containing these words or hashtags</label><code class="ctf_shortcode">excludewords
Eg: excludewords="#ugly,#bad"</code></th><td> <input name="ctf_options[excludewords]" id="ctf_excludewords" class="large-text" type="text" value="" disabled>
<span>"excludewords" separate words by comma</span>
</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"></th><td> <p>Show Tweets that contain
<select name="ctf_options[includeanyall]" id="ctf_includeanyall" disabled>
<option value="any" selected="selected">any</option>
<option value="all">all</option>
of the "includewords"
<select name="ctf_options[filterandor]" id="ctf_filterandor" disabled>
<option value="and" selected="selected">and</option>
<option value="or">or</option>
do not contain
<select name="ctf_options[excludeanyall]" id="ctf_excludeanyall" disabled>
<option value="any" selected="selected">any</option>
<option value="all">all</option>
of the "excludewords"
</td></tr><tr><th scope="row"><label for="ctf_remove_by_id">Hide Specific Tweets</label></th><td> <textarea name="ctf_options[remove_by_id]" id="ctf_remove_by_id" style="width: 70%;" rows="3" disabled></textarea>
<p>separate IDs by comma <a class="ctf-tooltip-link" href="JavaScript:void(0);"><i class="fa fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<span class="ctf-tooltip ctf-more-info">These are the specific ID numbers associated with a tweet. You can find the ID of a Tweet by viewing the Tweet on Twitter and copy/pasting the ID number from the end of the URL.</span>
</p> </td></tr></tbody></table>
<div style="height: 18px;"></div>
add_action( 'ctf_admin_style_option', 'ctf_add_masonry_autoscroll_options', 5, 1 );
function ctf_add_masonry_autoscroll_options( $admin ) {
// custom in reply to text
$admin->create_settings_field( array(
'name' => 'inreplytotext',
'title' => '<label for="ctf_inreplytotext">Translation for "In reply to"</label><code class="ctf_shortcode">inreplytotext
Eg: inreplytotext="Als Antwort an"</code>', // label for the input field
'callback' => 'default_text', // name of the function that outputs the html
'page' => 'ctf_options_text', // matches the section name
'section' => 'ctf_options_text', // matches the section name
'option' => 'ctf_options', // matches the options name
'class' => 'default-text ctf_pro', // class for the wrapper and input field
'whatis' => 'This will replace the default text displayed for "In reply to"',
'default' => 'In reply to'// "what is this?" text
) );
'ctf_options_autoscroll', // matches the section name
'<span class="ctf_pro_header">Autoscroll Loading</span>',
'ctf_pro_autoscroll_section', // callback function to explain the section
'ctf_options_autoscroll' // matches the section name
'ctf_options_filter', // matches the section name
'<span class="ctf_pro_header">Moderation</span>',
'ctf_pro_moderation_section', // callback function to explain the section
'ctf_options_filter' // matches the section name
add_action( 'ctf_admin_customize_option', 'ctf_add_customize_general_options', 20, 1 );
function ctf_add_customize_general_options( $admin ) {
// Disable the lightbox
$admin->create_settings_field( array(
'name' => 'disablelightbox',
'title' => '<label for="ctf_disablelightbox">Disable the lightbox</label><code class="ctf_shortcode">disablelightbox
Eg: disablelightbox=true</code>', // label for the input field
'callback' => 'default_checkbox', // name of the function that outputs the html
'page' => 'ctf_options_general', // matches the section name
'section' => 'ctf_options_general', // matches the section name
'option' => 'ctf_options', // matches the options name
'class' => 'default-text ctf_pro', // class for the wrapper and input field
'whatis' => 'Disable the popup lightbox for media in the feed'
) );
add_action( 'ctf_admin_customize_option', 'ctf_add_filter_options', 10, 1 );
function ctf_add_filter_options( $admin ) {
'<label for="ctf_clear_tc_cache_button">Clear Twitter Card Cache</label>',
array( 'class' => 'ctf_pro')
function ctf_remove_by_id( $args ) {
$options = get_option( $args['option'] );
$option_string = ( isset( $options[ $args['name'] ] ) ) ? esc_attr( $options[ $args['name'] ] ) : '';
<textarea name="<?php echo $args['option'].'['.$args['name'].']'; ?>" id="ctf_<?php echo $args['name']; ?>" style="width: 70%;" rows="3"><?php esc_attr_e( stripslashes( $option_string ) ); ?></textarea>
<?php if ( isset( $args['extra'] ) ) : ?><p><?php _e( $args['extra'], 'custom-twitter-feeds' ); ?>
<a class="ctf-tooltip-link" href="JavaScript:void(0);"><span class="fa fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
<span class="ctf-tooltip ctf-more-info"><?php _e( $args['whatis'], 'custom-twitter-feeds' ); ?>.</span>
</p> <?php endif; ?>
function ctf_clear_tc_cache_button() {
<input id="ctf-clear-tc-cache" class="button-secondary" style="margin-top: 1px;" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Clear Twitter Cards' ); ?>" />
<a class="ctf-tooltip-link" href="JavaScript:void(0);"><span class="fa fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
<p class="ctf-tooltip ctf-more-info"><?php _e( 'Clicking this button will clear all cached data for your links that have Twitter Cards', 'custom-twitter-feeds' ); ?>.</p>
function ctf_filter_operator( $args ) {
$options = get_option( $args['option'] );
$include_any_all = ( isset( $options['includeanyall'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $options['includeanyall'] ) : 'any';
$filter_and_or = ( isset( $options['filterandor'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $options['filterandor'] ) : 'and';
$exclude_any_all = ( isset( $options['excludeanyall'] ) ) ? esc_attr( $options['excludeanyall'] ) : 'any';
<p>Show Tweets that contain
<select name="<?php echo $args['option'].'[includeanyall]'; ?>" id="ctf_includeanyall">
<option value="any" <?php if ( $include_any_all == "any" ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php _e('any'); ?></option>
<option value="all" <?php if ( $include_any_all == "all" ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php _e('all'); ?></option>
of the "includewords"
<select name="<?php echo $args['option'].'[filterandor]'; ?>" id="ctf_filterandor">
<option value="and" <?php if ( $filter_and_or == "and" ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php _e('and'); ?></option>
<option value="or" <?php if ( $filter_and_or == "or" ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php _e('or'); ?></option>
do not contain
<select name="<?php echo $args['option'].'[excludeanyall]'; ?>" id="ctf_excludeanyall">
<option value="any" <?php if ( $exclude_any_all == "any" ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php _e('any'); ?></option>
<option value="all" <?php if ( $exclude_any_all == "all" ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php _e('all'); ?></option>
of the "excludewords"
<?php if ( isset( $args['whatis'] ) ) : ?>
<a class="ctf-tooltip-link" href="JavaScript:void(0);"><span class="fa fa-question-circle" aria-hidden="true"></span></a>
<p class="ctf-tooltip ctf-more-info"><?php _e( $args['whatis'], 'custom-twitter-feeds' ); ?>.</p>
<?php endif; ?>
add_action( 'ctf_admin_add_settings_sections_to_customize', 'ctf_add_masonry_autoload_section_to_customize' );
function ctf_add_masonry_autoload_section_to_customize() {
<a id="autoscroll"></a>
<?php do_settings_sections( 'ctf_options_autoscroll' ); ?>
<!-- <p class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save Changes' ); ?>" /></p> -->
add_action( 'ctf_admin_add_settings_sections_to_customize', 'ctf_add_filter_section_to_customize' );
function ctf_add_filter_section_to_customize() {
echo '<a id="moderation"></a>';
do_settings_sections( 'ctf_options_filter' ); // matches the section name
echo '<hr>';
function ctf_lite_dismiss() {
$cap = ctf_get_manage_options_cap();
if ( ! current_user_can( $cap ) ) {
wp_send_json_error(); // This auto-dies.
$nonce = isset( $_POST['ctf_nonce'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['ctf_nonce'] ) : '';
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'ctf-smash-balloon' ) ) {
die ( 'You did not do this the right way!' );
set_transient( 'twitter_feed_dismiss_lite', 'dismiss', 1 * WEEK_IN_SECONDS );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_ctf_lite_dismiss', 'ctf_lite_dismiss' );
function ctf_admin_hide_unrelated_notices() {
// Bail if we're not on a ctf screen or page.
if ( ! isset( $_GET['page'] )
|| ($_GET['page'] !== 'custom-twitter-feeds' && $_GET['page'] !== 'ctf-sw') ) {
// Extra banned classes and callbacks from third-party plugins.
$blacklist = array(
'classes' => array(),
'callbacks' => array(
'ctfdb_admin_notice', // 'Database for ctf' plugin.
global $wp_filter;
foreach ( array( 'user_admin_notices', 'admin_notices', 'all_admin_notices' ) as $notices_type ) {
if ( empty( $wp_filter[ $notices_type ]->callbacks ) || ! is_array( $wp_filter[ $notices_type ]->callbacks ) ) {
foreach ( $wp_filter[ $notices_type ]->callbacks as $priority => $hooks ) {
foreach ( $hooks as $name => $arr ) {
if ( is_object( $arr['function'] ) && $arr['function'] instanceof Closure ) {
unset( $wp_filter[ $notices_type ]->callbacks[ $priority ][ $name ] );
$class = ! empty( $arr['function'][0] ) && is_object( $arr['function'][0] ) ? strtolower( get_class( $arr['function'][0] ) ) : '';
if (
! empty( $class ) &&
strpos( $class, 'ctf' ) !== false &&
! in_array( $class, $blacklist['classes'], true )
) {
if (
! empty( $name ) && (
strpos( $name, 'ctf' ) === false ||
in_array( $class, $blacklist['classes'], true ) ||
in_array( $name, $blacklist['callbacks'], true )
) {
unset( $wp_filter[ $notices_type ]->callbacks[ $priority ][ $name ] );
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'ctf_admin_hide_unrelated_notices' );