File "data.cls.php"
Full Path: /home/ycoalition/public_html/blog/wp-admin/js/widgets/plugins/litespeed-cache/src/data.cls.php
File size: 16.44 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8
* The class to store and manage litespeed db data.
* @since 1.3.1
* @package LiteSpeed
* @subpackage LiteSpeed/src
* @author LiteSpeed Technologies <>
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit;
class Data extends Root {
private $_db_updater = array(
'' => array(
'4.0' => array(
'4.1' => array(
'4.3' => array(
'4.4.4-b1' => array(
private $_db_site_updater = array(
// Example
// '2.0' => array(
// 'litespeed_update_site_2_0',
// ),
private $_url_file_types = array(
'css' => 1,
'js' => 2,
'ccss' => 3,
'ucss' => 4,
const TB_IMG_OPTM = 'litespeed_img_optm';
const TB_IMG_OPTMING = 'litespeed_img_optming'; // working table
const TB_AVATAR = 'litespeed_avatar';
const TB_CRAWLER = 'litespeed_crawler';
const TB_CRAWLER_BLACKLIST = 'litespeed_crawler_blacklist';
const TB_URL = 'litespeed_url';
const TB_URL_FILE = 'litespeed_url_file';
* Init
* @since 1.3.1
public function __construct() {
* Correct table existance
* Call when activate -> upadte_confs()
* Call when upadte_confs()
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function correct_tb_existance() {
// Gravatar
if ( $this->conf( Base::O_DISCUSS_AVATAR_CACHE ) ) {
$this->tb_create( 'avatar' );
// Crawler
if ( $this->conf( Base::O_CRAWLER ) ) {
$this->tb_create( 'crawler' );
$this->tb_create( 'crawler_blacklist' );
// URL mapping
$this->tb_create( 'url' );
$this->tb_create( 'url_file' );
// Image optm is a bit different. Only trigger creation when sending requests. Drop when destroying.
* Upgrade conf to latest format version from previous versions
* NOTE: Only for v3.0+
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function conf_upgrade( $ver ) {
// Skip count check if `Use Primary Site Configurations` is on
// Deprecated since v3.0 as network primary site didn't override the subsites conf yet
// if ( ! is_main_site() && ! empty ( $this->_site_options[ self::NETWORK_O_USE_PRIMARY ] ) ) {
// return;
// }
if ( $this->_get_upgrade_lock() ) {
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( true );
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'src/data.upgrade.func.php';
// Init log manually
if ( $this->conf( Base::O_DEBUG ) ) {
$this->cls( 'Debug2' )->init();
foreach ( $this->_db_updater as $k => $v ) {
if ( version_compare( $ver, $k, '<' ) ) {
// run each callback
foreach ( $v as $v2 ) {
Debug2::debug( "[Data] Updating [ori_v] $ver \t[to] $k \t[func] $v2" );
call_user_func( $v2 );
// Reload options
$this->cls( 'Conf' )->load_options();
// Update related files
$this->cls( 'Activation' )->update_files();
// Update version to latest
Conf::delete_option( Base::_VER );
Conf::add_option( Base::_VER, Core::VER );
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Updated version to ' . Core::VER );
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( false );
! defined( 'LSWCP_EMPTYCACHE') && define( 'LSWCP_EMPTYCACHE', true );// clear all sites caches
Cloud::version_check( 'upgrade' );
* Upgrade site conf to latest format version from previous versions
* NOTE: Only for v3.0+
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function conf_site_upgrade( $ver ) {
if ( $this->_get_upgrade_lock() ) {
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( true );
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'src/data.upgrade.func.php';
foreach ( $this->_db_site_updater as $k => $v ) {
if ( version_compare( $ver, $k, '<' ) ) {
// run each callback
foreach ( $v as $v2 ) {
Debug2::debug( "[Data] Updating site [ori_v] $ver \t[to] $k \t[func] $v2" );
call_user_func( $v2 );
// Reload options
$this->cls( 'Conf' )->load_site_options();
Conf::delete_site_option( Base::_VER );
Conf::add_site_option( Base::_VER, Core::VER );
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Updated site_version to ' . Core::VER );
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( false );
! defined( 'LSWCP_EMPTYCACHE') && define( 'LSWCP_EMPTYCACHE', true );// clear all sites caches
* Check if upgrade script is running or not
* @since 3.0.1
private function _get_upgrade_lock() {
$is_upgrading = get_option( '' );
if ( ! $is_upgrading ) {
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( false ); // set option value to existed to avoid repeated db query next time
if ( $is_upgrading && time() - $is_upgrading < 3600 ) {
return $is_upgrading;
return false;
* Show the upgrading banner if upgrade script is running
* @since 3.0.1
public function check_upgrading_msg() {
$is_upgrading = $this->_get_upgrade_lock();
if ( ! $is_upgrading ) {
Admin_Display::info( sprintf( __( 'The database has been upgrading in the background since %s. This message will disappear once upgrade is complete.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>' . Utility::readable_time( $is_upgrading ) . '</code>' ) . ' [LiteSpeed]', true );
* Set lock for upgrade process
* @since 3.0.1
private function _set_upgrade_lock( $lock ) {
if ( ! $lock ) {
update_option( '', -1 );
else {
update_option( '', time() );
* Upgrade the conf to v3.0 from previous v3.0- data
* NOTE: Only for v3.0-
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function try_upgrade_conf_3_0() {
$previous_options = get_option( 'litespeed-cache-conf' );
if ( ! $previous_options ) {
Cloud::version_check( 'new' );
$ver = $previous_options[ 'version' ];
! defined( 'LSCWP_CUR_V' ) && define( 'LSCWP_CUR_V', $ver );
// Init log manually
if ( $this->conf( Base::O_DEBUG ) ) {
$this->cls( 'Debug2' )->init();
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Upgrading previous settings [from] ' . $ver . ' [to] v3.0' );
if ( $this->_get_upgrade_lock() ) {
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( true );
require_once LSCWP_DIR . 'src/data.upgrade.func.php';
// Here inside will update the version to v3.0
litespeed_update_3_0( $ver );
$this->_set_upgrade_lock( false );
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Upgraded to v3.0' );
// Upgrade from 3.0 to latest version
$ver = '3.0';
if ( Core::VER != $ver ) {
$this->conf_upgrade( $ver );
else {
// Reload options
$this->cls( 'Conf' )->load_options();
! defined( 'LSWCP_EMPTYCACHE') && define( 'LSWCP_EMPTYCACHE', true );// clear all sites caches
Cloud::version_check( 'upgrade' );
* Get the table name
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function tb( $tb ) {
global $wpdb;
switch ( $tb ) {
case 'img_optm':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_IMG_OPTM;
case 'img_optming':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_IMG_OPTMING;
case 'avatar':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_AVATAR;
case 'crawler':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_CRAWLER;
case 'crawler_blacklist':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_CRAWLER_BLACKLIST;
case 'url':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_URL;
case 'url_file':
return $wpdb->prefix . self::TB_URL_FILE;
* Check if one table exists or not
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function tb_exist( $tb ) {
global $wpdb;
return $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $this->tb( $tb ) . "'" );
* Get data structure of one table
* @since 2.0
* @access private
private function _tb_structure( $tb ) {
return File::read( LSCWP_DIR . 'src/data_structure/' . $tb . '.sql' );
* Create img optm table and sync data from wp_postmeta
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function tb_create( $tb ) {
global $wpdb;
Debug2::debug2( '[Data] Checking table ' . $tb );
// Check if table exists first
if ( $this->tb_exist( $tb ) ) {
Debug2::debug2( '[Data] Existed' );
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Creating ' . $tb );
$sql = sprintf(
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%1$s` (' . $this->_tb_structure( $tb ) . ') %2$s;',
$this->tb( $tb ),
$wpdb->get_charset_collate() // 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8'
$res = $wpdb->query( $sql );
if ( $res !== true ) {
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Warning! Creating table failed!', $sql );
Admin_Display::error( Error::msg( 'failed_tb_creation', array( '<code>' . $tb . '</code>', '<code>' . $sql . '</code>' ) ) );
* Drop table
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function tb_del( $tb ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( ! $this->tb_exist( $tb ) ) {
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Deleting table ' . $tb );
$q = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $this->tb( $tb );
$wpdb->query( $q );
* Drop generated tables
* @since 3.0
* @access public
public function tables_del() {
$this->tb_del( 'avatar' );
$this->tb_del( 'crawler' );
$this->tb_del( 'crawler_blacklist' );
$this->tb_del( 'url' );
$this->tb_del( 'url_file' );
// Deleting img_optm only can be done when destroy all optm images
* Keep table but clear all data
* @since 4.0
public function table_truncate( $tb ) {
global $wpdb;
$q = 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $this->tb( $tb );
$wpdb->query( $q );
* Clean certain type of url_file
* @since 4.0
public function url_file_clean( $file_type ) {
global $wpdb;
$type = $this->_url_file_types[ $file_type ];
$q = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->tb( 'url_file' ) . ' WHERE `type` = %d';
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, $type ) );
* Generate filename based on URL, if content md5 existed, reuse existing file.
* @since 4.0
public function save_url( $request_url, $vary, $file_type, $filecon_md5, $path ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( strlen( $vary ) > 32 ) {
$vary = md5( $vary );
$type = $this->_url_file_types[ $file_type ];
$tb_url = $this->tb( 'url' );
$tb_url_file = $this->tb( 'url_file' );
$q = "SELECT * FROM `$tb_url` WHERE url=%s";
$url_row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $q, $request_url ), ARRAY_A );
if ( ! $url_row ) {
$q = "INSERT INTO `$tb_url` SET url=%s";
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, $request_url ) );
$url_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
else {
$url_id = $url_row[ 'id' ];
$q = "SELECT * FROM `$tb_url_file` WHERE url_id=%d AND vary=%s AND type=%d AND expired=0";
$file_row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $url_id, $vary, $type ) ), ARRAY_A );
// Check if has previous file or not
if ( $file_row && $file_row[ 'filename' ] == $filecon_md5 ) {
// If the new $filecon_md5 is marked as expired by previous records, clear those records
$q = "DELETE FROM `$tb_url_file` WHERE filename = %s AND expired > 0";
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, $filecon_md5 ) );
// Check if there is any other record used the same filename or not
$q = "SELECT id FROM `$tb_url_file` WHERE filename = %s AND expired = 0 AND id != %d LIMIT 1";
if ( $file_row && $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $file_row[ 'filename' ], $file_row[ 'id' ] ) ) ) ) {
$q = "UPDATE `$tb_url_file` SET filename=%s WHERE id=%d";
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $filecon_md5, $file_row[ 'id' ] ) ) );
// New record needed
$q = "INSERT INTO `$tb_url_file` SET url_id=%d, vary=%s, filename=%s, type=%d, expired = 0";
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $url_id, $vary, $filecon_md5, $type ) ) );
// Mark existing rows as expired
if ( $file_row ) {
$q = "UPDATE `$tb_url_file` SET expired=%d WHERE id=%d";
$expired = time() + 86400 * apply_filters( 'litespeed_url_file_expired_days', 20 );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $expired, $file_row[ 'id' ] ) ) );
// Also check if has other files expired already to be deleted
$q = "SELECT * FROM `$tb_url_file` WHERE url_id = %d AND expired BETWEEN 1 AND %d";
$q = $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $url_id, time() ) );
$list = $wpdb->get_results( $q, ARRAY_A );
if ( $list ) {
foreach ( $list as $v ) {
$file_to_del = $path . '/' . $v[ 'filename' ] . '.' . ( $file_type == 'js' ? 'js' : 'css' );
if ( file_exists( $file_to_del ) ) {
// Safe to delete
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Delete expired unused file: ' . $file_to_del );
// Clear related lscache first to avoid cache copy of same URL w/ diff QS
// Purge::add( Tag::TYPE_MIN . '.' . $file_row[ 'filename' ] . '.' . $file_type );
unlink( $file_to_del );
$q = "DELETE FROM `$tb_url_file` WHERE url_id = %d AND expired BETWEEN 1 AND %d";
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $url_id, time() ) ) );
// Purge this URL to avoid cache copy of same URL w/ diff QS
// $this->cls( 'Purge' )->purge_url( Utility::make_relative( $request_url ) ?: '/', true, true );
* Load CCSS related file
* @since 4.0
public function load_url_file( $request_url, $vary, $file_type ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( strlen( $vary ) > 32 ) {
$vary = md5( $vary );
$type = $this->_url_file_types[ $file_type ];
$tb_url = $this->tb( 'url' );
$q = "SELECT * FROM `$tb_url` WHERE url=%s";
$url_row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $q, $request_url ), ARRAY_A );
if ( ! $url_row ) {
return false;
$url_id = $url_row[ 'id' ];
$tb_url_file = $this->tb( 'url_file' );
$q = "SELECT * FROM `$tb_url_file` WHERE url_id=%d AND vary=%s AND type=%d AND expired=0";
$file_row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $url_id, $vary, $type ) ), ARRAY_A );
if ( ! $file_row ) {
return false;
return $file_row[ 'filename' ];
* Mark all entries of one URL to expired
* @since 4.5
public function mark_as_expired( $request_url ) {
global $wpdb;
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Try to mark as expired: ' . $request_url );
$tb_url = $this->tb( 'url' );
$q = "SELECT * FROM `$tb_url` WHERE url=%s";
$url_row = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( $q, $request_url ), ARRAY_A );
if ( ! $url_row ) {
Debug2::debug( '[Data] Mark url_id=' . $url_row[ 'id' ] . ' as expired' );
$tb_url_file = $this->tb( 'url_file' );
$q = "UPDATE `$tb_url_file` SET expired=%d WHERE url_id=%d AND type=4 AND expired=0";
$expired = time() + 86400 * apply_filters( 'litespeed_url_file_expired_days', 20 );
$wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $q, array( $expired, $url_row[ 'id' ] ) ) );
* Get list from `data/css_excludes.txt`
* @since 3.6
public function load_css_exc( $list ) {
$data = $this->_load_per_line( 'css_excludes.txt' );
if ( $data ) {
$list = array_unique( array_filter( array_merge( $list, $data ) ) );
return $list;
* Get list from `data/ucss_whitelist.txt`
* @since 4.0
public function load_ucss_whitelist( $list ) {
$data = $this->_load_per_line( 'ucss_whitelist.txt' );
if ( $data ) {
$list = array_unique( array_filter( array_merge( $list, $data ) ) );
return $list;
* Get list from `data/js_excludes.txt`
* @since 3.5
public function load_js_exc( $list ) {
$data = $this->_load_per_line( 'js_excludes.txt' );
if ( $data ) {
$list = array_unique( array_filter( array_merge( $list, $data ) ) );
return $list;
* Get list from `data/js_defer_excludes.txt`
* @since 3.6
public function load_js_defer_exc( $list ) {
$data = $this->_load_per_line( 'js_defer_excludes.txt' );
if ( $data ) {
$list = array_unique( array_filter( array_merge( $list, $data ) ) );
return $list;
* Get list from `data/esi.nonces.txt`
* @since 3.5
public function load_esi_nonces( $list ) {
$data = $this->_load_per_line( 'esi.nonces.txt' );
if ( $data ) {
$list = array_unique( array_filter( array_merge( $list, $data ) ) );
return $list;
* Load file per line
* Support two kinds of comments:
* 1. `# this is comment`
* 2. `##this is comment`
* @since 3.5
private function _load_per_line( $file ) {
$data = File::read( LSCWP_DIR . 'data/' . $file );
$data = explode( PHP_EOL, $data );
$list = array();
foreach ( $data as $v ) {
// Drop two kinds of comments
if ( strpos( $v, '##' ) !== false ) {
$v = trim( substr( $v, 0, strpos( $v, '##' ) ) );
if ( strpos( $v, '# ' ) !== false ) {
$v = trim( substr( $v, 0, strpos( $v, '# ' ) ) );
if ( ! $v ) {
$list[] = $v;
return $list;