File "single.php"

Full Path: /home/ycoalition/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/woodmart/fonts/single.php
File size: 2.56 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

 * The template for displaying all pages
 * This is the template that displays all pages by default.
 * Please note that this is the WordPress construct of pages and that other
 * 'pages' on your WordPress site will use a different template.

get_header(); ?>


	// Get content width and sidebar position
	$content_class = woodmart_get_content_class();


<div class="site-content <?php echo esc_attr( $content_class ); ?>" role="main">

		<?php /* The loop */ ?>
		<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

				<?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>

				<div class="wd-single-footer"><?php if( get_the_tag_list( '', ', ' ) ): ?>
						<div class="single-meta-tags">
							<span class="tags-title"><?php esc_html_e('Tags', 'woodmart'); ?>:</span>
							<div class="tags-list">
								<?php echo get_the_tag_list( '', ', ' ); ?>
					<?php endif; ?><?php if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'blog_share' ) && woodmart_is_social_link_enable( 'share' ) ): ?>
						<div class="single-post-social">
							<?php if( function_exists( 'woodmart_shortcode_social' ) ) echo woodmart_shortcode_social(array('type' => 'share', 'tooltip' => 'no', 'style' => 'colored')) ?>
					<?php endif ?></div>

				<?php if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'blog_navigation' ) ) woodmart_posts_navigation(); ?>


					if ( woodmart_get_opt( 'blog_related_posts' ) ) {
					    $args = woodmart_get_related_posts_args( $post->ID );

					    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
					    $design = woodmart_get_opt( 'blog_design' );

						woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'blog-base' );
						if ( woodmart_is_blog_design_new( $design ) ) {
							woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'blog-loop-base' );
						} else {
							woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'blog-loop-base-old' );
						if ( 'small-images' === $design || 'chess' === $design ) {
							woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'blog-loop-design-small-img-chess' );
						} else {
							woodmart_enqueue_inline_style( 'blog-loop-design-' . $design );

						 if( function_exists( 'woodmart_generate_posts_slider' ) ) echo woodmart_generate_posts_slider(array(
							'title' => esc_html__('Related Posts', 'woodmart'),
							'blog_design' => 'carousel',
							'blog_carousel_design' => woodmart_is_blog_design_new( $design ) ? $design : 'masonry',
							'el_class' => 'related-posts-slider',
							'slides_per_view' => 2
						), $query);


				<?php comments_template(); ?>

		<?php endwhile; ?>

</div><!-- .site-content -->

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>