File "admin-utils.js"
Full Path: /home/ycoalition/public_html/blog/wp-admin/js/widgets/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/admin-utils.js
File size: 26 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8
/* global wpforms_builder, WPFormsUtils */
var wpf = {
cachedFields: {},
savedState: false,
initialSave: true,
orders: {
fields: [],
choices: {},
// This file contains a collection of utility functions.
* Start the engine.
* @since 1.0.1
init: function() {
// Init Radio Group for Checkboxes.
jQuery( wpf.ready );
* Document ready.
* @since 1.0.1
ready: function() {
// Load initial form saved state.
wpf.savedState = wpf.getFormState( '#wpforms-builder-form' );
// Save field and choice order for sorting later.
* Element bindings.
* @since 1.0.1
bindUIActions: function() {
// The following items should all trigger the fieldUpdate trigger.
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', wpf.setFieldOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldDelete', wpf.setFieldOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldMove', wpf.setFieldOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', wpf.setChoicesOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceAdd', wpf.setChoicesOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceDelete', wpf.setChoicesOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceMove', wpf.setChoicesOrders );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldAdd', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldDelete', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldMove', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'focusout', '.wpforms-field-option-row-label input', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceAdd', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceDelete', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldChoiceMove', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'wpformsFieldDynamicChoiceToggle', wpf.fieldUpdate );
jQuery( document ).on( 'focusout', '.wpforms-field-option-row-choices input.label', wpf.fieldUpdate );
* Store the order of the fields.
* @since 1.4.5
setFieldOrders: function() {
wpf.orders.fields = [];
jQuery( '.wpforms-field-option' ).each( function() {
wpf.orders.fields.push( jQuery( this ).data( 'field-id' ) );
} );
* Store the order of the choices for each field.
* @since 1.4.5
setChoicesOrders: function() {
wpf.orders.choices = {};
jQuery( '.choices-list' ).each( function() {
var fieldID = jQuery( this ).data( 'field-id' );
wpf.orders.choices[ 'field_' + fieldID ] = [];
jQuery( this ).find( 'li' ).each( function() {
wpf.orders.choices[ 'field_' + fieldID ].push( jQuery( this ).data( 'key' ) );
} );
} );
* Return the order of choices for a specific field.
* @since 1.4.5
* @param int id Field ID.
* @return array
getChoicesOrder: function( id ) {
var choices = [];
jQuery( '#wpforms-field-option-' + id ).find( '.choices-list li' ).each( function() {
choices.push( jQuery( this ).data( 'key' ) );
} );
return choices;
* Maintain multiselect dropdown with search.
* If a multiple select has selected choices - hide a placeholder text.
* In case if select is empty - we return placeholder text back.
* @since 1.7.6
* @param {object} self Current object.
initMultipleSelectWithSearch: function( self ) {
const $element = jQuery( self.passedElement.element ),
$input = jQuery( self.input.element );
if ( $element.prop( 'multiple' ) ) {
// On init event.
$ 'placeholder', $input.attr( 'placeholder' ) );
if ( self.getValue( true ).length ) {
$input.removeAttr( 'placeholder' );
// On change event.
$element.on( 'change', function() {
self.getValue( true ).length ?
$input.removeAttr( 'placeholder' ) :
$input.attr( 'placeholder', $ 'placeholder' ) );
} );
* Trigger fired for all field update related actions.
* @since 1.0.1
fieldUpdate: function() {
var fields = wpf.getFields();
jQuery( document ).trigger( 'wpformsFieldUpdate', [ fields ] );
wpf.debug( 'fieldUpdate triggered' );
* Dynamically get the fields from the current form state.
* @since 1.0.1
* @param array allowedFields
* @param bool useCache
* @return object
getFields: function( allowedFields, useCache ) {
useCache = useCache || false;
if ( useCache && ! jQuery.isEmptyObject( wpf.cachedFields ) ) {
// Use cache if told and cache is primed.
var fields = jQuery.extend( {}, wpf.cachedFields );
wpf.debug( 'getFields triggered (cached)' );
} else {
// Normal processing, get fields from builder and prime cache.
var formData = wpf.formObject( '#wpforms-field-options' ),
fields = formData.fields,
fieldBlockList = [
if ( ! fields ) {
return false;
for ( var key in fields ) {
if ( ! fields[key].type || jQuery.inArray( fields[key].type, fieldBlockList ) > -1 ) {
delete fields[key];
// Cache the all the fields now that they have been ordered and initially processed.
wpf.cachedFields = jQuery.extend( {}, fields );
wpf.debug( 'getFields triggered' );
// If we should only return specific field types, remove the others.
if ( allowedFields && allowedFields.constructor === Array ) {
for ( var key in fields ) {
if ( jQuery.inArray( fields[key].type, allowedFields ) === -1 ) {
delete fields[key];
return fields;
* Get field settings object.
* @since 1.4.5
* @param int id Field ID.
* @return object
getField: function( id ) {
var field = wpf.formObject( '#wpforms-field-option-' + id );
return field.fields[ Object.keys( field.fields )[0] ];
* Toggle the loading state/indicator of a field option.
* @since 1.2.8
* @param {mixed} option jQuery object, or DOM element selector.
* @param {boolean} unload True if you need to unload spinner, and vice versa.
fieldOptionLoading: function( option, unload ) {
var $option = jQuery( option ),
$label = $option.find( 'label' ),
spinner = '<i class="wpforms-loading-spinner wpforms-loading-inline"></i>';
unload = typeof unload !== 'undefined';
if ( unload ) {
$label.find( '.wpforms-loading-spinner' ).remove();
$label.find( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ).show();
$option.find( 'input,select,textarea' ).prop( 'disabled', false );
} else {
$label.append( spinner );
$label.find( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ).hide();
$option.find( 'input,select,textarea' ).prop( 'disabled', true );
* Get form state.
* @since 1.3.8
* @param object el
getFormState: function( el ) {
// Serialize tested the most performant string we can use for
// comparisons.
return jQuery( el ).serialize();
* Remove items from an array.
* @since 1.0.1
* @param array array
* @param mixed item index/key
* @return array
removeArrayItem: function( array, item ) {
var removeCounter = 0;
for ( var index = 0; index < array.length; index++ ) {
if ( array[index] === item ) {
array.splice( index, 1 );
return removeCounter;
* Sanitize string.
* @since 1.0.1
* @deprecated 1.2.8
* @param {string} str String to sanitize.
* @returns {string} String after sanitization.
sanitizeString: function( str ) {
if ( typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String ) {
return str.trim();
return str;
* Update query string in URL.
* @since 1.0.0
updateQueryString: function( key, value, url ) {
if ( ! url ) {
url = window.location.href;
var re = new RegExp( '([?&])' + key + '=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)', 'gi' ),
if ( re.test( url ) ) {
if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null )
return url.replace( re, '$1' + key + '=' + value + '$2$3' );
else {
hash = url.split( '#' );
url = hash[0].replace( re, '$1$3' ).replace( /(&|\?)$/, '' );
if ( typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null )
url += '#' + hash[1];
return url;
} else {
if ( typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null ) {
var separator = url.indexOf( '?' ) !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
hash = url.split( '#' );
url = hash[0] + separator + key + '=' + value;
if ( typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null )
url += '#' + hash[1];
return url;
return url;
* Get query string in a URL.
* @since 1.0.0
getQueryString: function( name ) {
var match = new RegExp( '[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)' ).exec( );
return match && decodeURIComponent( match[1].replace( /\+/g, ' ' ) );
* Remove defined query parameter in the current URL.
* @see
* @since 1.5.8
* @param {string} name The name of the parameter to be removed.
removeQueryParam: function( name ) {
if ( wpf.getQueryString( name ) ) {
var replace = '[\\?&]' + name + '=[^&]+',
re = new RegExp( replace );
history.replaceState && history.replaceState(
null, '', location.pathname + re, '' ).replace( /^&/, '?' ) + location.hash
* Is number?
* @since 1.2.3
* @param {number|string} n Number to check.
* @returns {boolean} Whether this is a number.
isNumber: function( n ) {
return ! isNaN( parseFloat( n ) ) && isFinite( n );
* Sanitize amount and convert to standard format for calculations.
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {string} amount Price amount to sanitize.
* @returns {string} Sanitized amount.
amountSanitize: function( amount ) {
// Convert to string and allow only numbers, dots and commas.
amount = String( amount ).replace( /[^0-9.,]/g, '' );
if ( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal === ',' ) {
if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === '.' && amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ) !== -1 ) {
amount = amount.replace( new RegExp( '\\' + wpforms_builder.currency_thousands, 'g' ), '' );
} else if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === '' && amount.indexOf( '.' ) !== -1 ) {
amount = amount.replace( /\./g, '' );
amount = amount.replace( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal, '.' );
} else if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ) !== -1 ) ) {
amount = amount.replace( new RegExp( '\\' + wpforms_builder.currency_thousands, 'g' ), '' );
return wpf.numberFormat( amount, wpforms_builder.currency_decimals, '.', '' );
* Format amount.
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {string} amount Price amount to format.
* @returns {string} Formatted amount.
amountFormat: function( amount ) {
amount = String( amount );
// Format the amount
if ( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal ) !== -1 ) ) {
var sepFound = amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_decimal );
amount = amount.substr( 0, sepFound ) + '.' + amount.substr( sepFound + 1, amount.length - 1 );
// Strip , from the amount (if set as the thousand separator)
if ( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands === ',' && ( amount.indexOf( wpforms_builder.currency_thousands ) !== -1 ) ) {
amount = amount.replace( /,/g, '' );
if ( wpf.empty( amount ) ) {
amount = 0;
return wpf.numberFormat( amount, wpforms_builder.currency_decimals, wpforms_builder.currency_decimal, wpforms_builder.currency_thousands );
* Format amount with currency symbol.
* @since 1.6.2
* @param {string} amount Amount to format.
* @returns {string} Formatted amount (for instance $ 128.00).
amountFormatCurrency: function( amount ) {
var sanitized = wpf.amountSanitize( amount ),
formatted = wpf.amountFormat( sanitized ),
if ( wpforms_builder.currency_symbol_pos === 'right' ) {
result = formatted + ' ' + wpforms_builder.currency_symbol;
} else {
result = wpforms_builder.currency_symbol + ' ' + formatted;
return result;
* Format number.
* @see
* @since 1.2.6
* @param {string} number Number to format.
* @param {number} decimals How many decimals should be there.
* @param {string} decimalSep What is the decimal separator.
* @param {string} thousandsSep What is the thousand separator.
* @returns {string} Formatted number.
numberFormat: function( number, decimals, decimalSep, thousandsSep ) {
number = ( number + '' ).replace( /[^0-9+\-Ee.]/g, '' );
var n = ! isFinite( +number ) ? 0 : +number;
var prec = ! isFinite( +decimals ) ? 0 : Math.abs( decimals );
var sep = ( typeof thousandsSep === 'undefined' ) ? ',' : thousandsSep;
var dec = ( typeof decimalSep === 'undefined' ) ? '.' : decimalSep;
var s = '';
var toFixedFix = function( n, prec ) {
var k = Math.pow( 10, prec );
return '' + ( Math.round( n * k ) / k ).toFixed( prec );
// @todo: for IE parseFloat(0.55).toFixed(0) = 0;
s = ( prec ? toFixedFix( n, prec ) : '' + Math.round( n ) ).split( '.' );
if ( s[ 0 ].length > 3 ) {
s[ 0 ] = s[ 0 ].replace( /\B(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, sep );
if ( ( s[ 1 ] || '' ).length < prec ) {
s[ 1 ] = s[ 1 ] || '';
s[ 1 ] += new Array( prec - s[ 1 ].length + 1 ).join( '0' );
return s.join( dec );
* Empty check similar to PHP.
* @link
* @since 1.2.6
empty: function( mixedVar ) {
var undef;
var key;
var i;
var len;
var emptyValues = [ undef, null, false, 0, '', '0' ];
for ( i = 0, len = emptyValues.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( mixedVar === emptyValues[i] ) {
return true;
if ( typeof mixedVar === 'object' ) {
for ( key in mixedVar ) {
if ( mixedVar.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Debug output helper.
* @since 1.3.8
* @param {string|integer|boolean|Array|object} msg Debug message (any data).
debug: function( ...msg ) {
if ( ! wpf.isDebug() ) {
console.log( '%cWPForms Debug: ', 'color: #cd6622;', ...msg );
* Is debug mode.
* @since 1.3.8
isDebug: function() {
return ( ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) || wpforms_builder.debug );
* Focus the input/textarea and put the caret at the end of the text.
* @since 1.4.1
focusCaretToEnd: function( el ) {
el.trigger( 'focus' );
var $thisVal = el.val();
el.val( '' ).val( $thisVal );
* Creates a object from form elements.
* @since 1.4.5
formObject: function( el ) {
var form = jQuery( el ),
fields = form.find( '[name]' ),
json = {},
arraynames = {};
for ( var v = 0; v < fields.length; v++ ) {
var field = jQuery( fields[v] ),
name = field.prop( 'name' ).replace( /\]/gi, '' ).split( '[' ),
value = field.val(),
lineconf = {};
if ( ( ':radio' ) || ':checkbox' ) ) && ! ':checked' ) ) {
for ( var i = name.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
var nestname = name[i];
if ( typeof nestname === 'undefined' ) {
nestname = '';
if ( nestname.length === 0 ){
lineconf = [];
if ( typeof arraynames[name[i - 1]] === 'undefined' ) {
arraynames[name[i - 1]] = 0;
} else {
arraynames[name[i - 1]] += 1;
nestname = arraynames[name[i - 1]];
if ( i === name.length - 1 ) {
if ( value ) {
if ( value === 'true' ) {
value = true;
} else if ( value === 'false' ) {
value = false;
} else if ( ! isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) && parseFloat( value ).toString() === value ) {
value = parseFloat( value );
} else if ( typeof value === 'string' && ( value.substr( 0, 1 ) === '{' || value.substr( 0, 1 ) === '[' ) ) {
try {
value = JSON.parse( value );
} catch ( e ) {}
} else if ( typeof value === 'object' && value.length && 'select' ) ) {
var newValue = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < value.length; i++ ) {
newValue[ 'n' + i ] = value[ i ];
value = newValue;
lineconf[nestname] = value;
} else {
var newobj = lineconf;
lineconf = {};
lineconf[nestname] = newobj;
jQuery.extend( true, json, lineconf );
return json;
* Initialize WPForms admin area tooltips.
* @since 1.4.8
initTooltips: function() {
if ( typeof jQuery.fn.tooltipster === 'undefined' ) {
jQuery( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ).tooltipster( {
contentAsHTML: true,
position: 'right',
maxWidth: 300,
multiple: true,
interactive: true,
debug: false,
IEmin: 11,
} );
* Restore WPForms admin area tooltip's title.
* @since 1.6.5
* @param {mixed} $scope Searching scope.
restoreTooltips: function( $scope ) {
$scope = typeof $scope !== 'undefined' && $scope && $scope.length > 0 ? $scope.find( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' ) : jQuery( '.wpforms-help-tooltip' );
$scope.each( function() {
var $this = jQuery( this );
if ( jQuery.tooltipster.instances( this ).length !== 0 ) {
// Restoring title.
$this.attr( 'title', $this.tooltipster( 'content' ) );
} );
* Validate a URL.
* source: ``
* @since 1.5.8
* @param {string} url URL for checking.
* @returns {boolean} True if `url` is a valid URL.
isURL: function( url ) {
* RegExps.
* A URL must match #1 and then at least one of #2/#3.
* Use two levels of REs to avoid REDOS.
var protocolAndDomainRE = /^(?:http(?:s?):)?\/\/(\S+)/;
var localhostDomainRE = /^localhost[\:?\d]*(?:[^\:?\d]\S*)?$/;
var nonLocalhostDomainRE = /^[^\s\.]+\.\S{2,}$/;
if ( typeof url !== 'string' ) {
return false;
var match = url.match( protocolAndDomainRE );
if ( ! match ) {
return false;
var everythingAfterProtocol = match[1];
if ( ! everythingAfterProtocol ) {
return false;
if ( localhostDomainRE.test( everythingAfterProtocol ) || nonLocalhostDomainRE.test( everythingAfterProtocol ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Sanitize HTML.
* Uses: ``
* @since 1.5.9
* @since 1.7.8 Introduced optional allowed parameter.
* @param {string} string HTML to sanitize.
* @param {undefined|Array} allowed Array of allowed HTML tags.
* @returns {string} Sanitized HTML.
sanitizeHTML: function( string, allowed ) {
var purify = window.DOMPurify;
if ( typeof purify === 'undefined' || typeof string === 'undefined' ) {
return string;
if ( typeof string !== 'string' ) {
string = string.toString();
const purifyOptions = {
ADD_ATTR: [ 'target' ],
if ( typeof allowed !== 'undefined' ) {
purifyOptions.ALLOWED_TAGS = allowed;
return purify.sanitize( string, purifyOptions ).trim();
* Encode HTML entities.
* Uses: ``
* @since 1.6.3
* @param {string} string HTML to sanitize.
* @returns {string} String with encoded HTML entities.
encodeHTMLEntities: function( string ) {
if ( typeof string !== 'string' ) {
string = string.toString();
return string.replace( /[\u00A0-\u9999<>&]/gim, function( i ) {
return '&#' + i.charCodeAt( 0 ) + ';';
} );
* Radio Group for Checkboxes.
* @since 1.6.6
initRadioGroupForCheckboxes: function() {
var $ = jQuery;
$( document ).on( 'change', 'input[type="checkbox"].wpforms-radio-group', function() {
var $input = $( this ),
inputId = $input.attr( 'id' );
if ( ! $input.prop( 'checked' ) ) {
var groupName = $ 'radio-group' ),
$group = $( '.wpforms-radio-group-' + groupName ),
$group.each( function() {
$item = $( this );
if ( $item.attr( 'id' ) !== inputId ) {
$item.prop( 'checked', false );
} );
} );
* Pluck a certain field out of each object in a list.
* JS implementation of the `wp_list_pluck()`.
* @since 1.6.8
* @param {Array} arr Array of objects.
* @param {string} column Column.
* @returns {Array} Array with extracted column values.
listPluck: function( arr, column ) {
return function( x ) {
if ( typeof x !== 'undefined' ) {
return x[ column ];
return x;
} );
* Wrapper to trigger a native or custom event and return the event object.
* @since 1.7.5
* @since 1.7.6 Deprecated.
* @deprecated Use `WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent` instead.
* @param {jQuery} $element Element to trigger event on.
* @param {string} eventName Event name to trigger (custom or native).
* @returns {Event} Event object.
triggerEvent: function( $element, eventName ) {
console.warn( 'WARNING! Function "wpf.triggerEvent( $element, eventName )" has been deprecated, please use the new "WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $element, eventName, args )" function instead!' );
return WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( $element, eventName );
* Automatically add paragraphs to the text.
* JS implementation of the `wpautop()`.
* @see
* @since 1.7.7
* @param {string} pee Text to be replaced.
* @param {boolean} br Whether remaining \n characters should be replaced with <br />.
* @returns {string} Text with replaced paragraphs.
wpautop: function( pee, br = true ) { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function, complexity
let preTags = new Map();
let _autopNewlinePreservationHelper = function( matches ) {
return matches[0].replace( '\n', '<WPPreserveNewline />' );
if ( ( typeof pee ) !== 'string' && ! ( pee instanceof String ) ) {
return pee;
if ( pee.trim() === '' ) {
return '';
pee = pee + '\n'; // Just to make things a little easier, pad the end.
if ( pee.indexOf( '<pre' ) > -1 ) {
let peeParts = pee.split( '</pre>' ),
lastPee = peeParts.pop();
pee = '';
function( peePart, index ) {
const start = peePart.indexOf( '<pre' );
// Malformed html?
if ( start === -1 ) {
pee += peePart;
let name = '<pre wp-pre-tag-' + index + '></pre>';
preTags[name] = peePart.substring( start ) + '</pre>';
pee += peePart.substring( 0, start ) + name;
pee += lastPee;
pee = pee.replace( /<br \/>\s*<br \/>/, '\n\n' );
// Space things out a little.
let allblocks = '(?:table|thead|tfoot|caption|col|colgroup|tbody|tr|td|th|div|dl|dd|dt|ul|ol|li|pre|form|map|area|blockquote|address|math|style|p|h[1-6]|hr|fieldset|legend|section|article|aside|hgroup|header|footer|nav|figure|figcaption|details|menu|summary)';
pee = pee.replace( new RegExp( '(<' + allblocks + '[^>]*>)', 'gmi' ), '\n$1' );
pee = pee.replace( new RegExp( '(</' + allblocks + '>)', 'gmi' ), '$1\n\n' );
pee = pee.replace( /\r\n|\r/, '\n' ); // cross-platform newlines.
if ( pee.indexOf( '\n' ) === 0 ) {
pee = pee.substring( 1 );
if ( pee.indexOf( '<option' ) > -1 ) {
// no P/BR around option.
pee = pee.replace( /(?=(\s*))\2<option'/gmi, '<option' );
pee = pee.replace( /<\/option>\s*/gmi, '</option>' );
if ( pee.indexOf( '</object>' ) > -1 ) {
// no P/BR around param and embed.
pee = pee.replace( /(<object[^>]*>)\s*/gmi, '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( /(?=(\s*))\2<\/object>/gmi, '</object>' );
pee = pee.replace( /(?=(\s*))\2(<\/?(?:param|embed)[^>]*>)((?=(\s*))\2)/gmi, '$1' );
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
if ( pee.indexOf( '<source' ) > -1 || pee.indexOf( '<track' ) > -1 ) {
// no P/BR around source and track.
pee = pee.replace( /([<\[](?:audio|video)[^>\]]*[>\]])\s*/gmi, '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( /(?=(\s*))\2([<\[]\/(?:audio|video)[>\]])/gmi, '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( /(?=(\s*))\2(<(?:source|track)[^>]*>)(?=(\s*))\2/gmi, '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( /\n\n+/gmi, '\n\n' ); // take care of duplicates.
// make paragraphs, including one at the end.
let pees = pee.split( /\n\s*\n/ );
pee = '';
function( tinkle ) {
pee += '<p>' + tinkle.replace( /^(?:\s+|\s+)$/g, '' ) + '</p>\n';
pee = pee.replace( /<p>\s*<\/p>/gmi, '' ); // under certain strange conditions it could create a P of entirely whitespace.
pee = pee.replace( /<p>([^<]+)<\/(div|address|form)>/gmi, '<p>$1</p></$2>' );
pee = pee.replace( new RegExp( '<p>\s*(</?' + allblocks + '[^>]*>)\s*</p>', 'gmi' ), '$1', pee ); // don't pee all over a tag.
pee = pee.replace( /<p>(<li.+?)<\/p>/gmi, '$1' ); // problem with nested lists.
pee = pee.replace( /<p><blockquote([^>]*)>/gmi, '<blockquote$1><p>' );
pee = pee.replace( /<\/blockquote><\/p>/gmi, '</p></blockquote>' );
pee = pee.replace( new RegExp( '<p>\s*(</?' + allblocks + '[^>]*>)', 'gmi' ), '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( new RegExp( '(</?' + allblocks + '[^>]*>)\s*</p>', 'gmi' ), '$1' );
if ( br ) {
pee = pee.replace( /<(script|style)(?:.|\n)*?<\/\\1>/gmi, _autopNewlinePreservationHelper ); // /s modifier from php PCRE regexp replaced with (?:.|\n).
pee = pee.replace( /(<br \/>)?((?=(\s*))\2)\n/gmi, '<br />\n' ); // optionally make line breaks.
pee = pee.replace( '<WPPreserveNewline />', '\n' );
pee = pee.replace( new RegExp( '(</?' + allblocks + '[^>]*>)\s*<br />', 'gmi' ), '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( /<br \/>(\s*<\/?(?:p|li|div|dl|dd|dt|th|pre|td|ul|ol)[^>]*>)/gmi, '$1' );
pee = pee.replace( /\n<\/p>$/gmi, '</p>' );
/* esline-enable */
if ( Object.keys( preTags ).length ) {
pee = pee.replace(
new RegExp( Object.keys( preTags ).join( '|' ), 'gi' ),
function( matched ) {
return preTags[matched];
return pee;