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<?php /** * Class CTF_Parse * * * @since 2.0 */ namespace TwitterFeed; use TwitterFeed\CtfFeed; use TwitterFeed\CtfOauthConnect; use TwitterFeed\CTF_GDPR_Integrations; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } class CTF_Parse{ /** * Get Tweet ID * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_tweet_id( $data ) { return $data['id_str']; } public static function get_post_id( $data ) { return $data['id_str']; } /** * Get Tweet Author User name * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_user_name( $data ) { if ( ! empty( $data['screen_name'] ) ) { return $data['screen_name']; } if ( ! empty( $data['user']['screen_name'] ) ) { return $data['user']['screen_name']; } return ''; } /** * Get Tweet Author Name * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_author_name( $data ) { return strtolower( $data['user']['name'] ); } /** * Get Tweet Author Name * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_display_author_name( $data ) { return $data['user']['name']; } /** * Get Tweet Author Screen Name * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_author_screen_name( $data ) { if ( ! empty( $data['user'] ) ) { if ( is_array( $data['user'] ) ) { return strtolower( $data['user']['screen_name'] ); } else { return strtolower( $data['user'] ); } } if ( ! empty( $data['screen_name'] ) ) { return strtolower( $data['screen_name'] ); } return ''; } public static function get_quoted_name( $data ) { return $data['user']['name']; } public static function get_quoted_screen_name( $data ) { return $data['user']['screen_name']; } /** * Get Tweet Verified * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_quoted_verified( $data ) { return $data['user']['verified']; } /** * Get Tweet Post * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_post($tweet_set) { if ( isset( $tweet_set['retweeted_status'] ) ) { return $tweet_set['retweeted_status']; } else { return $tweet_set; } } /** * Get Tweet Avatar URL * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_avatar_url( $post, $feed_options ) { if ( CTF_GDPR_Integrations::doing_gdpr( $feed_options ) ) { return trailingslashit( CTF_PLUGIN_URL ) . 'img/placeholder.png'; } return self::get_avatar( $post ); } /** * Get Tweet Avatar * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_avatar( $data ) { if ( isset( $data['retweeted_status'] ) ) { return $data['retweeted_status']['user']['profile_image_url_https']; } elseif ( isset( $data['user'] ) ) { return $data['user']['profile_image_url_https']; } elseif ( isset( $data['profile_image_url_https'] ) ) { return $data['profile_image_url_https']; } return ''; } /** * Get Tweet UTS Offset * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_utc_offset ( $data ) { return $data['user']['utc_offset']; } /** * Get Tweet Original TimeStamp * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_original_timestamp( $data ) { return $data['created_at']; } /** * Get Tweet Author Verified * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_verified ( $data ) { return $data['user']['verified']; } /** * Get Generic Header Text * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_generic_header_text( $data ) { if ( $data['type'] === 'search' || $data['type'] === 'hashtag' ) { $using_custom = $data['headertext'] != ''; $raw_header_text = $using_custom ? $data['headertext'] : $data['feed_term']; //List multiple terms $hashtags = explode(" OR ", $data['feed_term']); if ( ! $using_custom ) { $default_header_text = ''; $h_index = 0; foreach ( $hashtags as $hashtag ) { if( $h_index > 0 ) $default_header_text .= ', '; $default_header_text .= $hashtag; $h_index++; } } else { $default_header_text = $data['headertext']; } $default_header_text = str_replace( ' -filter:retweets', '', $default_header_text ); return $default_header_text; } else { $default_header_text = 'Twitter'; // $url_part = $data['screenname']; //Need to get screenname here return $default_header_text; } //Header for combined feed types if ( ! empty( $data['feed_types_and_terms'] ) ) { if ( $data['headertext'] != '' ) { $default_header_text = $data['headertext']; if ( $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][0] === 'search' || $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][0] === 'hashtag' ) { $raw_header_text = $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][1]; } return $default_header_text; } else { $default_header_text = ''; $i_term = 0; foreach ( $data['feed_types_and_terms'] as $feed_set ) { if ( $feed_set[0] == 'lists' ) { $default_header_text .= ''; } else { if ( $i_term > 0 ) { $default_header_text .= ', '; } if ( $feed_set[0] == 'usertimeline' ) { $default_header_text .= '@'; } $default_header_text .= $feed_set[1]; } $i_term++; } } if ( empty( $default_header_text ) ) { return $default_header_text = 'Twitter'; } } } /** * Get Generic Header URL * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_generic_header_url ( $data ) { $hashtags = isset($data['feed_term']) ? explode(" OR ", $data['feed_term']) : ''; if ( $data['type'] === 'search' || $data['type'] === 'hashtag' ) { if ( $data['type'] === 'hashtag' ) { $url_part = 'hashtag/' . str_replace("#", "", $hashtags[0]); } else { $url_part = 'search?q=' . rawurlencode( str_replace( array( ', ', "'" ), array( ' OR ', '"' ), $data['feed_term'] ) ); } return $url_part; } if ( ! empty( $data['feed_types_and_terms'] ) ) { if ( $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][0] === 'search' || $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][0] === 'hashtag' ) { $raw_header_text = $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][1]; //List multiple terms $hashtags = explode( " OR ", $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][1] ); if ( $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][0] === 'hashtag' ) { $url_part = 'hashtag/' . str_replace( "#", "", $hashtags[0] ); return $url_part; } else { $url_part = 'search?q=' . rawurlencode( str_replace( array( ', ', "'" ), array( ' OR ', '"' ), $data['feed_types_and_terms'][0][1] ) ); return $url_part; } } } } /** * Get Header Text * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_header_text( $header_info, $feed_options ) { if ( empty( $header_info ) || ! is_array( $header_info ) ) { return ''; } if ( $feed_options['headertext'] !== '' ) { $header_text = $feed_options['headertext']; return $header_text; } else { $header_text = $header_info['name']; return $header_text; } } /** * Get Header Description * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_header_description( $data ) { return $data['description']; } /** * Get User Header JSON info * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_user_header_json( $data, $post_info ) { $type = ! empty( $data['type'] ) ? $data['type'] : 'usertimeline'; $types_and_terms = $data['feed_types_and_terms']; $timelines_included = array(); foreach ( $types_and_terms as $type_and_term ) { if ( $type_and_term[0] === 'usertimeline' ) { $timelines_included[] = str_replace( '@', '', strtolower( $type_and_term[1] ) ); } } if ( $type === 'usertimeline' ) { if ( ! empty( $post_info[0]['user'] ) ) { return $post_info[0]['user']; } } return array(); } /** * Get User Header Avatar * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_header_avatar( $data, $feed_options = array() ) { $settings = ctf_get_database_settings(); if ( CTF_GDPR_Integrations::doing_gdpr( $settings ) ) { $avatar = trailingslashit( CTF_PLUGIN_URL ) . 'img/placeholder.png'; } else { $avatar = $data['profile_image_url_https']; } return $avatar; } public static function get_quoted_tc( $data ) { $quoted = false; // check for quoted if ( isset( $data['quoted_status'] ) ) { $quoted = $data['quoted_status']; return $quoted; } else { unset( $quoted ); } } public static function get_quoted_media( $data, $num_media ) { //Quoted Tweets Media $quoted_media = false; if ( isset( $data['extended_entities']['media'] ) ) { $num_media = count( $data['extended_entities']['media'] ); for( $ii = 0; $ii < $num_media; $ii++ ) { if ( $data['extended_entities']['media'][$ii]['type'] == 'video' || $data['extended_entities']['media'][$ii]['type'] == 'animated_gif' ) { $quoted_media[$ii]['url'] = $data['extended_entities']['media'][$ii]['video_info']['variants'][$ii]['url']; } else { $quoted_media[$ii]['url'] = $data['extended_entities']['media'][$ii]['media_url_https']; } $quoted_media[$ii]['type'] = $data['extended_entities']['media'][$ii]['type']; if ( $quoted_media[$ii]['type'] == 'video' ) { $quoted_media[$ii]['video_atts'] = 'controls'; } elseif ( $quoted_media[$ii]['type'] == 'animated_gif' ) { $quoted_media[$ii]['video_atts'] = 'controls loop autoplay muted'; } $quoted_media[$ii]['poster'] = $data['extended_entities']['media'][$ii]['media_url_https']; } } elseif ( isset( $data['entities']['media'] ) ) { $num_media = count( $data['entities']['media'] ); for( $ii = 0; $ii < $num_media; $ii++ ) { if ( $data['entities']['media'][$ii]['type'] == 'video' || $data['entities']['media'][$ii]['type'] == 'animated_gif' ) { $quoted_media[$ii]['url'] = $data['entities']['media'][$ii]['video_info']['variants'][$ii]['url']; } else { $quoted_media[$ii]['url'] = $data['entities']['media'][$ii]['media_url_https']; } $quoted_media[$ii]['type'] = $data['entities']['media'][$ii]['type']; if ( $quoted_media[$ii]['type'] == 'video' ) { $quoted_media[$ii]['video_atts'] = 'controls'; } elseif ( $quoted_media[$ii]['type'] == 'animated_gif' ) { $quoted_media[$ii]['video_atts'] = 'controls loop autoplay muted'; } $quoted_media[$ii]['poster'] = $data['entities']['media'][$ii]['media_url_https']; } } return $quoted_media; } /** * Get Feed Classes * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_feed_classes( $feed_options, $check_for_duplicates, $feed_id = false) { if( ctf_doing_customizer( $feed_options ) ){ return ' :class="$parent.getFeedClasses()" '; }else{ $ctf_feed_classes = 'ctf ctf-type-' . CTF_Parse::get_feed_type( $feed_options ); $ctf_feed_classes .= ($feed_id !== false ) ? ' ctf-feed-' . $feed_id : ''; $ctf_feed_classes .= ' ' . $feed_options['class'] . ' ctf-styles'; $ctf_feed_classes .= ($feed_options['layout']) ? ' ctf-' . $feed_options['layout']: ''; $ctf_feed_classes .= ( isset( $feed_options['tweetpoststyle'] ) ) ? ' ctf-' . $feed_options['tweetpoststyle'] . '-style' : ''; if ( ! empty( $feed_options['height'] ) ) $ctf_feed_classes .= ' ctf-fixed-height'; $ctf_feed_classes .= $feed_options['width_mobile_no_fixed'] ? ' ctf-width-resp' : ''; if ( $check_for_duplicates ) { $ctf_feed_classes .= ' ctf-no-duplicates'; } if( isset($feed_options['colorpalette']) && $feed_options['colorpalette'] !== 'inherit' && $feed_id !== false ){ $feed_id_class = $feed_options['colorpalette'] === 'custom' ? ('_' . $feed_id) : ''; $ctf_feed_classes .= ' ctf_palette_' . $feed_options['colorpalette'] . $feed_id_class; } $ctf_feed_classes = apply_filters( 'ctf_feed_classes', $ctf_feed_classes ); return 'class=" ' . $ctf_feed_classes .'" '; } } public static function get_tweet_count( $data ) { if ( isset( $data['statuses'] ) && is_array( $data['statuses'] ) ) { $tweet_count = count( $data['statuses'] ); } elseif ( is_array( $data ) ) { $tweet_count = count( $data ); } else { $tweet_count = 0; } return $tweet_count; } /** * Get Feed Type * * @since 2.0 */ public static function get_feed_type( $feed_options ) { $ctf_feed_type = ! empty ( $feed_options['type'] ) ? $feed_options['type'] : 'multiple'; return $ctf_feed_type; } public static function get_retweet_count( $data ) { if ( isset( $data['retweeted_status']['retweet_count'] ) ) { return $data['retweeted_status']['retweet_count']; } else { return $data['retweet_count']; } } public static function get_favorite_count( $data ) { if ( isset( $data['retweeted_status']['favorite_count'] ) ) { return $data['retweeted_status']['favorite_count']; } else { return $data['favorite_count']; } } /** * Get Global Twitter Feed CSS * * @since 2.0 * @return array */ public static function parse_css_style ( $css_array ) { $style = ''; $color_elements = [ 'color', 'background', 'background-color' ]; $size_elements = [ 'border-radius', 'height', 'width', 'font-size', 'margin', 'margin-top', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'padding', 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left', 'padding-right' ]; $border_elements = [ 'border', 'border-top', 'border-bottom', 'border-left', 'border-right' ]; foreach ($css_array as $element) { $items_css = ''; if( isset( $element['properties'] ) ){ foreach ($element['properties'] as $property => $item) { if( in_array( $property, $color_elements) && !empty( $item['value'] ) && $item['value'] !== '#' ){ $items_css .= $property . ':' . stripcslashes($item['value']) . ( isset( $item['important'] ) ? '!important;' : ';' ); } if( in_array( $property, $size_elements) && !empty( $item['value'] ) && $item['value'] !== '0' && $item['value'] !== 'inherit' ){ $items_css .= $property . ':' . stripcslashes($item['value']) . ( isset( $item['unit'] ) ? $item['unit'] : 'px' ) . ( isset( $item['important'] ) ? '!important;' : ';' ); } if( in_array( $property, $border_elements) && !empty( $item['size'] ) && $item['size'] !== '0' && !empty( $item['color'] ) && $item['color'] !== '#' ){ $items_css .= $property . ':' . stripcslashes($item['size']) . 'px ' . ( isset( $item['style'] ) ? $item['style'] : 'solid' ) . ' ' . stripcslashes($item['color']) . ( isset( $item['important'] ) ? '!important;' : ';' ); } } $style .= !empty($items_css) ? $element['selector'] . '{'.$items_css .'}' : ''; } } return $style; } }