YCoalition International Co-founder, Foysal Hasan Tanvir Awarded SI Leader Lab 2023!

Bangladeshi young leader and human rights activist, Mr. Foysal Hasan Tanvir, attended the SI Leaders Lab 2023 on-site training program in Sweden, organized by the Swedish Institute, a public agency that builds interest and trust in Sweden around the world. The program is dedicated to train civil society leaders who work towards Sustainable Development Goal 16, which promotes inclusive and peaceful societies. The program aims to provide participants with an opportunity to grow as leaders, exchange experiences, create new contacts, and test innovative tools and methods with colleagues working on similar issues.

The program is being conducted both online and onsite, and the participants are applying the learnings from SI Leader Lab in their organizations throughout the course of the program. In May 2023 (2nd May to 10th May), he attended an intensive program along with three other Bangladeshi civil society leaders at Sänga Säby on Ekerö, as well as in Stockholm, where they explored how creativity and collaboration can be used to create powerful campaigns that make a difference and can lead to systems change.

During the program, he got the chance to network with international leaders, exchange ideas, and gain insights from their experiences. With the support of expert mentors, this program presented a valuable opportunity for young Bangladeshi leaders to strengthen their leadership skills, collaborate, and develop new approaches to promote meaningful change in their society.

The SI Leader Lab 2023 program provides an excellent opportunity for young leaders from Bangladesh to develop their skills and contribute towards building a more just, peaceful and inclusive society. YCoalition International congratulates Mr. Foysal for his outstanding achievement towards an inclusive society.